The Secret to a Winning Investment Pitch.

A great pitch doesn’t just get you in front of investors. Or even just get you the money. It sets investor expectations of growth. Of confidence in you and your team. Of risk and reward. These are the cornerstones of the terms of your investment and equity agreements. But is there a one-size-fits-all formula for an investment pitch? We think not. . .

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Imogen Berman
How to use research to develop great products that sell.

The secret to growing a successful business is finding the right 'fit'. 

No matter what stage you’re at, staying in-tune with the needs, wants and beliefs of your customers is incredibly important. We'll show you  our favourite tools through an example. From spotting an exciting potential opportunity to really validating a value proposition.

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Jared Ruddy
Realising the power of inclusive design.

Over the past months we have had the privilege of working with the team behind the inclusively designed ADDITION Collection from Blue Badge Style

We are delighted to announce that the collection’s first product, DRINK, has been awarded a second round of investment from the Design Council ‘Spark’ program, to take the product to market.

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Imogen Berman
The economic value of social enterprise.

This is unlikely to be the first time you've seen a title like this - there has been a great deal of discussion in recent years around the potential economic value of social enterprise.

But it's not always easy to relate this to real life. To see how and where it is happening.

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Imogen Berman
Can blockchain really 'save' the music industry?

The music industry has certainly not taken the digital revolution in its stride. Over 99% of artists are currently unable to make a living from their work.

The collective challenge is to design a strategy moving forward which avoids artists settling for traditional business models which capture almost none of the value they create in the digital age.

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Imogen Berman
Doing things the right way.

David Heinemeier-Hansson, general good guy, creator of Ruby on Rails and 37 Signals founder penned an essay that caught our attention this week. 

He believes that Silicon Valley’s thirst for exponential growth is devouring and corrupting businesses and entrepreneurs. If you start with the end in mind — and that end is a business worth hundreds of millions in an IPO, you have to build in a certain way. . .

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Jared Ruddy
On leadership, vision & insights.

This week we have seen Elon Musk pledge to bring the future forward, whilst the creator of the World Wide Web warns us all that we are losing control. 

Tim Berners-Lee has made an appeal to the world 28 years after submitting his original proposal for the World Wide Web. Having watched the world contribute to the web we have today, he believes the responsibility falls with everyone. . .

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Imogen Berman
On leadership, vision & insights.

In this week’s instalment of fascinating things to intrigue a curious mind we tackle new media trends, coffee pods and how blockchain is changing the finance world.

Nokia’s surprise comeback could well disrupt a market full of same-y monolithic glass phablets. It’s not just the 90’s kid nostalgia (though we loved snake). And it’s not just because potentially great, good value for emerging markets either. 

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Jared Ruddy